Breville Espresso MachinE

Are you in a hurry? The Barista Express is the Breville espresso machine that we consider to be the greatest overall model.

When it comes to preparing espresso, accuracy is of the utmost importance.

However, it doesn’t matter how skilled you are if the machine doesn’t accomplish its portion of the work correctly.

If you are seeking for a dependable item, the best place to begin your search is with a dependable brand such as Breville.

The product range of espresso makers offered by the brand is rather outstanding. Not only are they long-lasting and simple to use, but they also come equipped with some of the most cutting-edge capabilities.

How do you choose the appropriate item when there is such a diverse selection available?

Because I was curious about the same thing, I did extensive research on each of their several models. In this piece, I’ll provide you with information regarding the top Breville espresso machine, as well as related topics in greater depth.

Let’s not waste any time and get started!

Best Breville Espresso Machine: Our Top 10 Choices

•        Barista Express (Best Overall)

•        Infuser (Best For Beginners)

•        Bambino Plus (Best For Small Spaces)

•        Dual Boiler (Best For Experiences Baristas)

•        Oracle (Best 2-in-1 Grinder And Brewer)

•        Oracle Touch (Best Super-Automatic Machine)

•        Duo-Temp Pro (Easiest To Use)

•        Barista Touch (Most Adjustable)

•        Cafe Roma (Affordable Pick)

•        Barista Pro (Best Value For Money)

Breville Barista Express

There is a good reason why the Barista Express is one of the models that sells the most for this particular brand. It provides you with everything you require to make coffee in the comfort of your own home.

First, it includes a built-in conical burr grinder that can grind precisely the proper quantity for one serving at a time. This feature is quite convenient. In addition to that, you have the option of selecting the coarseness of your grind. Because your machine is capable of doing all of those things, there is no need to purchase a separate grinder.

There are two color options available for this model: black and steel. Both of these choices come with a stunning glossy finish that makes them stand out in any section of the kitchen.

Because the machine comes with a manual steam wand, you will need to work on perfecting your frothing technique in order to get the most out of it. A manual wand, despite the fact that it requires a little bit of skill at the beginning, gives you better control over the end outcome. In addition to that, it enables you to create unique latte art.


• Because the built-in burr grinder allows you to customize the grind size and quantity, you can consistently produce the exact quantity of coffee that you require at any given moment.

• The machine comes in two colors, allowing you to choose one that complements the color scheme of your kitchen.

• This is one of the more reasonably priced Breville espresso machines, so purchasing it won’t put as much of a strain on your finances as some of the other models will.

• The dry puck function relieves the grounds’ water pressure, causing the grounds to clump together for more convenient disposal


Because the outlet for the hot water is located on the right side of the portafilter, the cup needs to be moved in order to make an Americano.

Breville Infuser

Are you looking for a machine that falls somewhere in the middle of the price spectrum but still provides some of the more critical functions that are typically reserved for more expensive models? If so, the Infuser is a fantastic option to go with.

Why is this piece of equipment known as the Infuser? The answer to that question is that it possesses a pre-infusion function. It does this by beginning with a low pressure and gradually increasing it to the desired level, which results in a more uniform extraction of the coffee.

Obviously, in order to accomplish flawless extraction, you will also need to bring the water up to the appropriate temperature. This model comes equipped with a digital PID temp control that gives you the ability to do exactly that.

In addition, there is a feature known as auto-purge that enables users to immediately begin the espresso extraction process following the execution of the steam function. The auto-purge feature prevents the water from becoming scaldingly hot as a result of the steaming process, which would otherwise cause the coffee beans to be scorched.

Because of this, you will be able to produce a large number of espresso cups in a row, each of which will be brewed at the same temperature.


• Cleaning and Drip Tray alerts notify you when it is time for maintenance, ensuring that you do not forget to perform the task on a regular basis.

• The dry-pick function empties the filter basket of any extra water and dries and compacts the coffee grounds, making them much simpler to remove and dispose of.

• Available in steel, black, and cranberry red, giving you the flexibility to choose the hue that works best with the overall style of your kitchen.

• You are able to reprogrammat the shot volumes so that they are of the desired intensity.


• Not as simple to operate as the majority of Breville models, so you’ll probably need to look at the handbook when you first start using it.

Breville Bambino Plus

This type is ideal for use in RVs and other vehicles with limited space for cooking. Its dimensions of 12 inches by 7 inches by 12 inches allow it to be placed on even the most constrained of counter tops.

The Bambino Plus may be compact, but despite its size, it packs a significant punch. It possesses all of the necessary elements for producing a cup of coffee that is extracted to its full potential. PID temperature control and low-pressure pre-infusion are a couple of these components. These ensure that your espresso will always have a restaurant-quality finish.

In addition to that, it comes with the most recent iteration of the brand’s quick heater. This indicates that it only takes three seconds for it to reach the desired temperature. In other words, your morning cup of coffee will be prepared in a flash, which will come in very helpful first thing in the morning.

This model comes with an automatic steam wand, which enables you to generate foam without needing to use your hands. Because there are three heat settings and three milk texture options, you are able to create your coffee in a variety of unique ways each and every time.


• Because of its compact size, this model is an excellent choice for kitchen countertops that are limited in space.

• A rapid heating system enables you to brew coffee in the blink of an eye because it does the job so quickly.

• The automatic steam wand enables you to customize the coffee to your specific preferences by allowing you to change the temperature and consistency of the milk.

• Due to the fact that it is so reasonably priced, this model does not put as much of a strain on your financial resources as do other Breville machines.


Due to the fact that this is an entry-level machine, it is missing key capabilities that professional baristas would find useful.

Breville Dual Boiler

This particular type is equipped with not one but two boilers; one for producing hot water, and the other for producing steam. Because you have two boilers, you won’t have to worry about always having to replace the water supply.

Additionally, this implies that you are able to froth your milk and make your espresso at the same time. Even though the total time required to make espresso isn’t too long, you should still make the most of every minute. Particularly in the morning when you’re rushing around trying to get ready for the day.

In related news, this design has an automatic turn-on timer. This enables you to schedule it to begin heating up just before you wake up in the morning, allowing you to begin brewing as soon as you get out of bed.

In addition to that, I really like how this device is equipped with its very own hot water outlet. Because of this, you will be able to prepare an Americano or just grab a cup of hot coffee to use in making tea.

Another one of its fascinating features is the Over Pressure valve. It does this by putting a cap on the highest possible pump pressure. Your coffee will not be over-extracted if you use this method, in addition to a digital temperature control system.


• A dual boiler system gives you the ability to create espresso as well as steamed milk at different temperatures, ensuring that you will always have a cup of coffee that is just right.

• The Auto Start setting allows you to preheat the device at a predetermined time, allowing you to program it to be ready when you require it.

• Includes a descaler that makes cleaning a breeze, saving you time and effort in the process

• Because the water reservoir holds 84 ounces, you may brew a significant quantity of espresso without having to keep refilling it.


• Given its high price, a coffee enthusiast who only occasionally indulges in the hobby would find it to be an unnecessary extravagance.

Breville Oracle

This model is nearly identical to having a barista working in your own house. To put it another way, it is highly automated and takes care of everything that is necessary to make the ideal cup of coffee.

The freshly ground coffee is placed directly into the portafilter, where it is tamped, dosed, and ground by the conical burr grinder.

The only thing that is left for you to do is slide the portafilter onto the brewing side of the machine and select the desired quantity of cups to be produced. After that, you should push the start button and watch the machine work its wonders.

The Oracle includes all of the most significant components. The digital temperature control, the low-pressure pre-infusion, and the Over Pressure valve are some of these features. The combination of these qualities guarantees that the grounds are extracted thoroughly and that you will always obtain the best possible results.

Because it is a completely automated device, it can also produce microfoam for your use. You have control over the temperature and consistency of the milk, allowing you to customize the end product to your exact specifications.

And if you like your coffee Americano-style, the one-button brewing feature will be just up your alley. The machine can produce a double shot of espresso and add steaming water to it with just the push of a single button.


• From grinding to tamping, the machine accomplishes all of that without your assistance, which is extremely beneficial when you’re attempting to perform other tasks in the kitchen at the same time.

• With the dual boiler, you can make coffee and steam milk without having to choose between the two.

• The automated steam wand gives you the ability to alter the temperature and consistency of the milk to suit your preferences.

• The wand will automatically clean itself after each use, relieving you of the responsibility of manually cleaning or unclogging it.


Because of its size, the appliance is not a good fit for kitchen countertops that are particularly compact.

Breville Oracle Touch

This version is an improvement on the widely used Oracle. It includes all of the features that its bigger brother offers, in addition to some really exciting new ones.

The first thing that sticks out is the color touchscreen that is four inches in size and is simple to operate. Simply swipe either left or right until you find the kind of espresso beverage that suits your tastes best.

Naturally, you are also free to adjust the ingredients in each drink to suit your own preferences. The Oracle Touch gives you the ability to customize the intensity of the beverage, as well as the temperature and the texture of the milk. In addition to that, you can also save up to eight of your own customized cocktails.

Because it is an extremely automated machine, there is not much for you to do in terms of preparing the coffee that you have purchased. Simply put your coffee beans in the machine, and it will take care of the rest.

Certainly, the device possesses a number of additional useful characteristics, like a digital temperature control and an Over Pressure valve. You won’t be able to brew a subpar cup of coffee with these, no of how hard you try.


• It does all of the operations automatically, from grinding to tampering, which frees you from having to perform all of the tasks by yourself.

• The touchscreen is quite sizable, and it’s not difficult to navigate the interface.

• Because it has a variety of settings and controls, the machine allows you to customize the coffee to your exact preferences.

• A dual boiler system allows you to brew coffee at one temperature while simultaneously steaming milk at a different temperature, which ensures that you will obtain the ideal cup of coffee.


• Because of how pricey it is, someone who has only recently begun brewing their own coffee probably shouldn’t consider purchasing it.

Breville Duo-Temp Pro

The Duo-Temp Pro is all about maintaining a healthy equilibrium. You get everything you need to make excellent espresso at home, including the necessary features, for a price that is not prohibitively expensive.

The function of the auto-purge feature is playfully alluded to in the model’s name. As soon as it is finished steaming, the temperature will begin to drop. This will ensure that the espresso that is made immediately afterward does not become over-extracted and bitter.

This means that even if it does not have a dual boiler, this machine is nonetheless able to produce steamed milk and coffee at temperatures that are distinct from one another. This guarantees that you will always receive the ideal cup.

Those individuals who are interested in learning how to prepare espresso will benefit greatly from purchasing this model. The machine is easy to operate thanks to the fact that it only features one knob and two buttons. And because it includes a pre-infusion option, you can be certain that the coffee you make will always have the best possible extraction.

The Duo-Temp Pro espresso machine has a dripping tray that is surprisingly spacious considering how tiny the machine itself is. In addition, there is an indication that will tell you when it is time to empty it, reducing the frequency with which you will need to perform this task.


• It is one of the Breville models that is more reasonable, so it is perfect for beginners and those who are not prepared to completely break the bank.

• The auto-purge function ensures that you won’t end up with a scorched cup of coffee even if you brew espresso just after boiling milk.

• This type, which only has a single knob and two buttons, is one of the most user-friendly options available.

• Due to its space-saving design, this appliance is ideally suited for use in kitchens with limited floor space.


Because there are no adjusting options, you are unable to experiment with a variety of various outcomes.

Breville Barista Touch Stainless Steel

The Barista Touch is a wonderful machine that gives you the freedom to experiment with different coffee brewing settings without requiring you to spend your entire paycheck on the device.

Because this particular model lacks a dual boiler, it is not possible to simultaneously make espresso and froth milk using it.

However, it does contain a quick heating system, which means that the ideal temperature for extraction may be reached in just three seconds. In other words, you won’t have to wait more than a twinkle in the eye to have your coffee when you use this machine.

Because it also has a burr grinder integrated right in, you won’t have to buy a separate appliance for that purpose.

The use of the touch screen makes the process of preparing coffee rather easy. You can customize the level of coffee strength, the thickness of the milk, and the temperature to suit your tastes. After that, you can brew coffee without using your hands. In the meantime, there are a variety of other things you might accomplish in your kitchen.

You have the option of saving up to eight different personalized coffee profiles, making it even easier for you to take it easy. One simple press of your finger is all that’s required to brew your preferred mug of coffee using these.


• Because there are so many ways to customize your beverage, you can get your coffee to taste just the way you want it.

• Since the device includes a burr grinder, you may accomplish two tasks with just one piece of equipment.

The coffee is extracted by the ThermoJet heating technology in just three seconds, which means that you essentially have the beverage ready in a beat of the heart.

• You can save up to eight of your favorite individualized coffee concoctions using personalized coffee profiles.


• Because of its size, it may not be suitable for use on countertops with a limited amount of space.

Cafe Roma, a Breville product

If you’re an aspiring barista who makes drinks at home, you shouldn’t let the exorbitant prices of espresso makers discourage you. The Cafe Roma is a great illustration of a truly high-quality entry-level machine that won’t put a strain on your finances and comes highly recommended.

It should come as no surprise that a home espresso machine that is also reasonably priced cannot feature all of the bells and whistles that are seen on professional machines. However, it possesses all of the attributes necessary for producing quality espresso.

Because it is an entry-level model, the Cafe Roma is intended to have a straightforward operation. The brewing and steaming functions of the machine can both be accessed through the use of a single selector dial. Is there any other way to put it that is clearer?

Because this model comes with a manual frothing wand, you will need to educate yourself on how to use it. However, you won’t need more than a few tries to master it. Additionally, manual frothing provides you with increased control over the final product of your coffee.

There is one thing that must be kept in mind at all times. This espresso machine is fantastic for people just starting out because there is virtually no room for “messing up.” However, if you are no longer a novice, you will find that this machine does not meet your requirements.


• Its price is significantly lower in comparison to that of other models, making it an excellent option for novices.

• Because of its modest footprint, it is an excellent choice for counters with limited space.

• The fact that this device only has one dial makes operating it quite simple.

• Since it is constructed of stainless steel, much like more pricey models, you can be confident that the device will serve you for a very long time without breaking down.


• The device does not come equipped with all of the specialized capabilities that are utilized by professional baristas.

Breville Barista Pro

One of the more recent additions to the Breville product line is the Barista Pro. The manufacturer took their best-selling model, the Barista Express, and added a few minor adjustments to it here and there. You can purchase some great features that make brewing the perfect shot of espresso even easier for a little bit extra money.

You just need one equipment to take care of both the grinding and the brewing of your coffee thanks to the conical burr grinder that is included in both the original and the upgraded version of the Barista Pro.

You won’t have to worry about over-extracting your coffee because it also includes a digital temperature control and a low-pressure pre-infusion feature.

The most significant improvement is an LCD panel that not only displays the grind size and duration, but also provides animations of the grinding and brewing processes. The visual guide gives you an indication of the stage of the brewing process you are currently experiencing.

Additionally, the Barista Pro is noticeably quicker than its predecessor. It comes equipped with a lightning-quick heater that can reach the desired temperature in only three seconds. This translates to the fact that you can quickly brew espresso for all of your guests in a matter of minutes.


• With the help of the ThermoJet heating system, you can prepare espresso in a matter of minutes.

• Because of the LCD screen, you will always be able to know exactly where you are in the process of brewing the coffee.

• The nozzle for the hot water is already directed toward the cup, so there is no need to alter it in order to make an Americano.

• The dosage control enables you to select the ideal quantity of coffee grinds for each individual cup of java.


• The grinder is capable of producing a significant amount of noise, which is not always something you will want to listen to first thing in the morning

Buying Guide: How to Determine Which Model Is the Best Fit for You From Breville

At first look, it would appear that all of these espresso makers are very comparable to one another.

And indeed, the majority of them have a lot of the same characteristics in common with one another. However, it’s the insignificant details that set individuals different from others.

When selecting the proper model, here are some considerations you should give attention to.

Manual VS Automatic

The first thing you need to do is consider yourself how involved you want to be in the process of creating espresso. How hands-on do you want to be?

If you want to become a better barista, learning manual techniques is the best way to do so. When using the manual machine, you are responsible for performing everything by hand. Acquiring the skill and experience necessary to brew an excellent cup of coffee demands accuracy. However, the end effect more than makes up for the steep learning curve.

The ability to have complete control over every aspect of the brewing process is the primary selling point for manual equipment among professional baristas.

But I’m not going to pretend otherwise: starting from scratch with everything may be a very time-consuming process. Additionally, there are situations when we simply do not have sufficient time.

An automatic espresso machine is a fantastic choice to consider using if you are not overly concerned with the brewing procedure. To fire a shot, all you have to do is press a few buttons on the machine, and it will do it for you automatically.

In other variants, the process of grinding and tampering with the coffee grounds is taken even further. This particular model of espresso machine is what’s known as a super-automatic, which means that it does the entirety of the work for you so that you don’t have to.

Super-automatic machines reduce the amount of time and effort required to complete a task, but at the cost of their adaptability. To put it another way, they don’t give you a great deal of say in how the brewing process goes.

A semi-automatic espresso machine represents the ideal compromise between fully automatic and manual methods. One only needs to click a button in order for this particular type of equipment to function, exactly like an automatic model would.

The only thing that is different, though, is the fact that you have to actually draw the shot. This indicates that you must continue to participate in the process of making the beer. In addition, learning how to pull the shot takes some practice.

Built-In Grinder

A number of Breville models are equipped with an integrated conical burr grinder. This indicates that the grinding of the beans and the brewing of the coffee grounds are both done by a single piece of equipment.

The most flavorful cup of coffee is produced by grinding the beans just before the brewing process begins. I’m not exaggerating. Even after just ten minutes, the grinds can have a discernible amount of their taste evaporate. A built-in grinder ensures that not a single second is lost in the process.

In addition to this, a built-in grinder eliminates the requirement for you to own two separate machines. You can really save money by purchasing a high-quality automatic coffee maker rather than two separate goods, which will allow you to save money in the long run.

In addition to that, a machine that combines two functions into one saves room on your countertop, doesn’t it?

Obviously, if you already have a grinder, there is no reason for you to spend further money on a machine that has a feature that is not necessary.


Imagine investing fifty percent of your monthly salary in a device that is so large that it won’t even fit on your countertop. It is likely that it will be put away in a box and put away behind the counter, where it will gather dust.

You’ll be happy to know that Breville machines come in a variety of sizes, giving you the flexibility to select the best fit for the amount of space available on your kitchen counter.

Maintenance Features

It is best practice to clean your machine after each time it has been used. In addition to this, you will need to empty out the leaking tray whenever it becomes full. In addition, a monthly descaling should be included to your maintenance program in order to keep the espresso machine in good condition.

However, the fact that cleaning is a chore that must be performed on a regular basis does not imply that doing so is enjoyable. The good news is that a lot of models come with particular maintenance functions that make your job a little bit simpler.

The Breville Dual Boiler, for instance, comes equipped with an alarm button that notifies you when it is time to perform routine maintenance. In a similar vein, it comes equipped with a computerized application that walks you through the descaling process step by step.

There are a few versions that come equipped with a dry-pick mechanism, which, once the espresso has been made, eliminates any excess water from the filter basket. Because of this, the grounds will get dry and clumpy, which will make it much simpler to dispose of them.


Still not sure about Breville espresso machines?

Don’t worry about a thing because I’ve got you covered. In the following paragraphs, I will respond to some of the most often asked questions that people have regarding Breville machines.

Should You Spend Your Money on a Breville Espresso Machine?

Breville is a popular brand among home baristas who are looking to purchase espresso machines for their kitchens. The business is well-known for producing espresso makers that are both durable and reliable, but do not come with the exorbitant price tag that typically goes with with such products.

What is the most effective Breville appliance?

The Barista Express is the model that stands out as the most ideal all-rounder among the available options. It is a semi-automatic equipment that comes equipped with a burr grinder, dose control, and a hot water valve, among other useful features.

It has just enough features to allow you to fine-tune your coffee, but not so many that it would be overwhelming to someone just starting out.

In addition, it is one of the Breville models that is more reasonably priced, along with the Barista Pro.

How long does the lifespan of a Breville espresso machine typically be?

In order to prevent it from breaking down frequently, an espresso machine needs to be properly used and serviced on a regular basis. However, if you maintain the equipment correctly, you can anticipate it serving you for more than five years.

No matter how well you take care of a product, if it was made with a flaw in the production process, it will eventually become unusable. However, these flaws are immediately noticeable as you begin utilizing the device in question.

You may purchase Breville items with confidence because they all come with a warranty of either one or two years, so you know you’ll receive your money’s worth. Or at the very least, the return of your money.

To summarize everything:

Breville produces some of the most high-quality espresso makers currently available on the market.

But the Barista Express is the machine that earns the distinction of being their number one product.

It is inexpensive, simple to operate, and consistently produces coffee with the best possible extraction.

In addition to that, it includes a burr grinder in the package.

It provides you with everything you need to brew a cup of espresso that is flawless.

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