Breville Bambino Vs Bambino Plus

Are you pressed for time? The Breville Bambino coffee machine is our first and foremost recommendation.

Is there a meaningful distinction between the Breville Bambino and the Bambino Plus?

In a nutshell, the answer is that there is only one (the milk frothing system).

I’ll provide you with an overview of each machine, as well as a breakdown of the specific components that make up each one, in this article. (Including the one significant distinction that exists between them!)

Then, in order to determine a victor, I will compare their characteristics side by side.

Let’s get to it!

A Brief Discussion Regarding the Breville Bambino

Although Breville has been in business for almost 100 years, the company did not always manufacture coffee makers.

It wasn’t until recently that Breville began manufacturing espresso machines.

But would you consider that a drawback of the Bambino? Absolutely not. Breville is known throughout the industry for producing household appliances of a consistently high quality. Which means that this also applies to their coffee makers.

There is no exemption made for the Bambino.

Breville’s Bambino is a portable machine that is approximately 6 inches across and 13 inches high. Because of this, it is compact enough to fit in most kitchens.

But even in a compact form, you still have Breville’s ThermoJet heating system. Because of this, the Bambino has a lightning-fast heat-up time of just three seconds.

In addition to that, you are able to extract espresso at the maximum pressure of 9 bars.

It has a water tank that holds 47 ounces. Even though it looks like a very small amount, you can still create about a dozen shots of espresso with that. That is more than plenty for use on a daily basis.

The fact that the Bambino requires manual operation of the steam wand is the only significant drawback. Therefore, if you are not accustomed to heating milk in order to make lattes, you will need to learn how to do so.


• The compact design makes it suitable for almost any available place in the kitchen

• True coffee shop-quality espresso can only be achieved at a pressure of 9 bars, which ensures that you will have consistent success.

• Brewing is ready to begin in just three seconds thanks to the ThermoJet heating system.

• The brewing process and steaming milk are significantly simplified by the intuitive user interface.


• If you have a manual steam wand, you will need to learn how to steam milk in order to make cappuccinos or lattes.

• The portafilter is made of aluminum, which causes problems after prolonged usage

A Brief Explanation Regarding the Breville Bambino Plus

When compared to the Bambino, the Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine is regarded as the model that represents the next technological advancement.

In point of fact, though, the machines are virtually indistinguishable from one another.

That is to say, all of their features, with the exception of one—the milk frother—are identical.

The Bambino Plus is about 8 inches wide, making it slightly larger than its predecessor. In spite of this, it is still a manageable size for the majority of kitchens with limited space.

Additionally, it includes a larger water tank that is 64 ounces in capacity.

Regarding the preparation of espresso, it utilizes the same methods throughout. You can still get a full 9 bars of pressure when extracting espresso with the ThermoJet heating system, and the warm-up time for the system is still only 3 seconds.

The milk being steamed represents the most significant change.

The Bambino Plus features an automated steam wand that gives users three different temperature and texture settings to choose from. That’s a total of 9 different permutations for drinks ranging from an Americano to a cappuccino.

If you ask me, though, the increased price point of the automatic steam wand does not really make it worth it in my opinion.


• The enormous 64-ounce water tank allows you to brew a large number of espresso shots without having to replace it.

• Thanks to the ThermoJet heating system, you’re able to start brewing in just three seconds.

• The automatic steam wand eliminates all elements of chance in the milk-frothing process.

• It is still tiny enough to fit in most of the kitchens that are on the smaller side.


The automatic steam wand drives up the price, and it’s possible that it’s not even worth it.

• Because the portafilter is made of aluminum, it is susceptible to developing defects after prolonged usage.

A Comparison of the Features of the Breville Bambino with the Bambino Plus

Let’s get into the features of each machine now that you’ve had a chance to get an overall feel for them.

I’ll begin each segment by introducing the topic at hand, then go on to the next by naming a victor for each of the devices.

How would you rate the design and the construction quality?

When I research espresso machines, one of the first things I look at is the components that go into making the machine itself.

If you are looking for an espresso that is of a good quality, you should avoid purchasing a machine that has a plastic body.

For household espresso machines, plastic is simply not a suitable material. There has to be something more robust here. After all, an espresso machine is comprised of a significant number of components and pieces of technology. You’ll want a machine that can handle anything that comes its way.

The body of the Bambino and the Bambino Plus are both constructed out of stainless steel, which is a really positive development.

The volume of the water tank and the overall size of the home espresso machine are two more features that I check for.

It is important that the water tank be large enough to allow for the production of at least a few consecutive espresso beverages without the need for a refill.

The Bambino has a water tank that holds 47 ounces, while the Bambino Plus has a tank that holds 64 ounces.

Is there really that much of a difference to be made?


If you don’t prepare a lot of drinks on a daily basis, you probably won’t even realize it in practice.

So, how about the dimensions all together?

Again, it’s negligible.

Although the Bambino Plus espresso machine is over 8 inches broader than its predecessor, it is also a few centimeters shorter.

The Bambino is over an inch shorter, but it is also an inch taller than the regular size.

In point of fact, both of these appliances are on the smaller side and may easily be accommodated in kitchens with little space.

How is the performance, and how is the quality of the brew?

It’s possible that I’m repeating myself, but the functionality of both machines is essentially identical.

Both devices derive their 9 bars of pressure from an Italian pump that has 15 bars of pressure. What exactly does this entail?

The measurement of atmospheric pressure is measured in bars. When making espresso from ground coffee beans, you need a pressure of 9 bars, which is equivalent to 9 times the normal air pressure, for the extraction to be as effective as possible.

The 15-bar Italian Pump actually only uses 9 of its available 15 bars, despite its name. Why should we care about this?

Imagine it as being similar to the engine of a car. When equipped with a more powerful engine, it requires less time to accelerate to higher speeds. It’s possible that you won’t make full use of the engine’s potential, but getting moving will be much simpler.

When you have a more compact engine, you are able to make greater use of its potential to achieve the same outcomes.

Because the Bambino and the Bambino Plus both have Italian Pumps, you may expect results that are very similar from either machine.

In addition to this, either a single or double shot of espresso can be extracted using the ThermoJet heating system.

Both of them whip the milk, right?

Finally, we get to a significant distinction between these two devices.

The Bambino is equipped with a hand-held steam wand. Additionally, the Bambino Plus coffee machine comes equipped with a steam wand that is automatic.

Does this result in a lower quality espresso from the Bambino machine?

Certainly not in every case.

It just indicates that you will have to steam the milk on your own rather than selecting alternatives and allowing the wand to perform the work on your behalf.

Both of these machines are more than capable of producing an excellent cup of latte.

The Bambino Plus gives you three different options for setting the temperature and texture of the milk. This offers you a total of 9 different combinations, which you can use to make anything from an Americano to a cappuccino.

However, whether or not the milk should be frothed is a matter of individual preference. Are you familiar with the process of steaming milk for the latte art? Or are you interested in gaining knowledge?

If this is the case, the Bambino is an excellent place to begin.

But the Bambino Plus takes a lot of the guesswork out of boiling milk, so if you don’t know how to do it and don’t want to learn, it’s a good option.

How simple is it to make use of them?

And with that, we are back to the situation where these machines are essentially the same.

The interfaces of both machines are accomplished through the use of tactile buttons (which I always prefer over touchscreen displays).

Both of them contain buttons that allow you to make a single shot or a double shot, as well as buttons that steam milk and heat water.

In what ways does this translate to the fact that you really use these machines?

To put it simply, the buttons make everything a breeze.

Simply power on the device, wait three seconds for it to heat up, pour grinds into the portafilter, and then push the espresso button.

If we really need to pick nits, I’d think that the Bambino has a more user-friendly UI, but that’s just me. Because there are fewer buttons and visuals to match with what each button is for, the interface is somewhat simpler to navigate for a user who is doing so for the first time.

Having saying that, getting used to the Bambino Plus UI just requires a few drinks for a first-time user to feel comfortable with it.

Is there one that offers more bang for the buck than the other?

You might be forgiven for assuming that this part would be difficult, given how similar these machines are to one another.

However, I believe that the solution is readily apparent.

In the end, it comes down to the fact that the Bambino Plus is sold at a higher price than the Bambino.

What accounts for the higher cost?

because of the milk steaming machine that is automatic.

The sole difference between the Bambino Plus and the Bambino is the milk wand, which accounts for the difference in price. All of the other features are essentially the same.

Is it really worth it, though?

In my opinion: no.

The automatic steam wand is ideal for someone who is very particular about the consistency of their milk but at the same time does not want to put in the effort necessary to get that texture.

In addition to that, there represents only a marginal overlap of home users.

With the Bambino, you need to put in very little effort to achieve the same temperature and consistency with the milk.

For this reason, I’m going to have to state that the Bambino offers the best value overall.

My Closing Reflections

These two machines are pretty comparable to one another. On the other hand, they satisfy two separate requirements of the typical customer.

If any of the following apply to your situation:

• You require a choice that won’t break your bank.

You have no problem heating the milk on your own, right?

• You want the highest possible quality espresso in the smallest possible package.

However, you should go with the Breville Bambino Plus if any of the following applies to you:

• It is not recommended that you scald your own milk.

• Be in a position to freely spend additional funds.

• Want a bigger water tank for more drinks before a refill

In the end, it comes down to the fact that both of these devices are really good. And selecting one over the other won’t have a significant impact on the quality of your morning latte.

It’s possible that the Bambino offers better value for your money, but the Bambino Plus removes the element of uncertainty when it comes to boiling milk. And it is truly the most important question that requires an answer from you.

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