If you’re not familiar with the culture surrounding espresso, your mind may start to spin. It is difficult to determine where to begin due to the extensive number of features that are included with each model as well as the wide range of prices.

You’ll want to get off to a good start in your espresso endeavors by ensuring you have the proper equipment. Because of this, in our analysis of the De’Longhi EC155 Espresso and Cappuccino Maker, we ensure that you won’t waste a single cent when considering whether or not this device is suitable for your needs.

The De’Longhi EC155 Espresso and Cappuccino Maker is a Combination Machine.

• Easy to use and completely hands-off (great for beginners)

• Strong functionality across the board

• Choices of brews were limited.

“This is a tiny machine…well-suited to someone who doesn’t want to sink a fortune into their espresso producing gear,” the description states.

Checking out this model is a necessity for everyone who wants the comfort of knowing they have an espresso and cappuccino machine at home that is very simple to operate.

The De’Longhi EC155 is ideal for the novice espresso enthusiast who has only a small amount of experience, or for anyone who has a restricted amount of counter space because of how wonderful and tiny this machine is.

On the other hand, this might not be the best option for you if you prefer to have a wider variety of beverages available to you rather than being restricted to the same old espresso shot or cappuccino, or if you have a family that consumes a lot of coffee. In order to help you decide whether or not a De’Longhi EC155m should be a part of your brewing toolkit, let’s first go over some of the factors that you should think about while searching for an espresso and cappuccino maker.

Things That You Should Think About Before Purchasing a Espresso Machine

The universe of espresso makers is rather extensive, and the kinds of features that each model offers ought to be a significant consideration in your decision-making process. When searching for the ideal home brewer, there are a few important considerations that should be in the forefront of your mind.

Quantity: How Many Cups of Coffee Do You Plan to Make?

The first thing you have to think about is how much coffee you are going to require at a given time.

Are you a lone drinker, or will you have a swarm of guzzlers swarming this thing every morning? If you’re a lone drinker, what kind of drinker are you?

Some machines take a while to heat up, whilst others, like the Gaggia Baby Class, are well-known for swiftly reaching the desired temperature after being turned on. Some models come equipped with a twin boiler, which allows milk to be steamed while a shot is being drawn at the same time, ensuring that everything remains scalding hot throughout the process.

Because factors such as the amount of time needed to boil the water might determine whether or not everyone gets cups that are piping hot, the capacity of a machine to perform a certain volume of work is an important factor to take into consideration. or a procession of grouchy, sleep-deprived faces leading from the coffee machine all the way to the exit.

The Quality of the Product: Will It Be A Deal Of A Lifetime Or A Machine That Will Last A Lifetime?

We have all been exposed to the age-old proverb that states, “You get what you pay for.” That does not necessarily imply that you should avoid purchasing things that are inexpensive. On the other hand, it does signify that there is often a clear association between purchasing anything “on the cheap” and it not lasting very long at all.

Make sure that the amount of money that you are ready to spend on your machine is something that you take into consideration, taking into account things such as the longevity of the equipment and the number of repairs or replacement machines that you will need to buy over the years.

In general, the construction of Delonghi espresso machines is solid, and they are designed to last a long time.

Another important consideration is the name of the brand. Even if you choose to purchase a secondhand machine, you should look for a name brand such as De’Longhi or Breville to ensure that it is of high quality.

A helpful hint: just because you decide to go with quality components doesn’t mean that your machine won’t at some point need to have maintenance performed on it. Even the Lamborghini will require new tires at some point. Just remember to have your handbook, which includes the cleaning instructions for the De’Longhi EC155, as well as any necessary De’Longhi parts, close at hand so that you are never left high and dry!

The battle between manual and automatic transmissions pits expertise against convenience.

Last but not least, how much influence do you wish to have over the process?

If pulling shots is old hat for you or if you like the brewing experience as much as the coffee itself, then you should probably think about getting a manual machine because it will allow you more control over the brewing process.

On the other hand, if you value ease of use above all else, an automatic machine such as this one made by De’Longhi can be the perfect solution for you.

Although the EC155 is an excellent home espresso maker for those just getting started, it is just one of numerous models that made it onto our list of “best budget selections” for the best espresso machines.

An Analysis of the DeLonghi EC155

With the De’Longhi EC155 espresso and cappuccino machine, you can now receive velvety-smooth espressos and cappuccinos in the comfort of your own home on a daily basis, putting an end to the many hours spent traveling to and from your neighborhood coffee shop.

This device, without a shadow of a doubt, is one that will appeal to a wide variety of users.

Brewing Capability

You are aware that excellent espresso begins with water that has been heated to the ideal temperature. The De’Longhi EC155 features a boiler made of stainless steel, which is monitored by an integrated thermostat that is distinct from the thermostat that determines the temperature of the milk when it is being frothed.

The De’Longhi EC155 is an excellent machine for consumers who enjoy espresso, americanos, and cappuccinos. Additionally, it can produce two distinct types of coffee beverages by brewing either a straight espresso or a cappuccino, depending on your preferences at the time. Because this apparatus was developed for those who were new to the extraction game, you shouldn’t expect a lot of room for manual adjustments because this is a model that you just point and fire.

The 15-bar pressure pump is used to extract espresso, ensuring that each and every cup of coffee that is brewed is of high quality and well-balanced. Keep in mind that this is an espresso machine designed for beginners, and as such, the quality of the espresso it can produce is restricted. Having said that, the coffee that you get from the De’Longhi is acceptable, and making it at home is unquestionably less expensive and more enjoyable than going to your neighborhood cafe.

“Make-Life-Easy” Features

The De’Longhi EC155 is a “make-life-easy” kind of brewer since it is simple to operate, straightforward, and designed to produce excellent espresso and cappuccino with little to no effort (unlike the Breville Infuser which has a steeper learning curve). In addition to the simple operation of the brew cycle, the self-priming technology produces a smooth start-up without the need to manually prime. This means that the procedure is automatic, convenient, and does not require any manual intervention. Simply switch it on, begin the brewing process, and then turn it off once you have the required quantity of espresso.

Because the De’Longhi can brew coffee from both E.S.E. coffee pods and regular ground coffee, you have the flexibility to select the method of brewing that is most suited to your lifestyle and preferences. Naturally, our individual preference is to make use of coffee beans that have recently been ground. There is no competition for the superior taste of a cup of coffee that has been prepared with freshly ground beans. Because they generate significantly less trash than pods, fresh grounds not only result in better coffee for you but also for the environment.

Last but not least, we would be negligent if we did not note the straightforward operation of the De’Longhi, as everything is regulated by a single, little dial. Turning on your machine, brewing, and foaming your beverage are now incredibly simple processes thanks to the EC155, which eliminates the need for you to bother about a plethora of controls. Given that it was created with ease of use as the primary focus, this De’Longhi doesn’t actually come with very many additional features that are worth mentioning.

Foaming of the Milk

Without cutting-edge milk frothing technology that can produce the perfect microfoam, a cappuccino machine is not considered to be fully functional. The De’Longhi EC155 features an integrated swivel jet frother as standard equipment. The frother is linked to the cappuccino maker just next to the portafilter, and it was created with a natural angle for heating and foaming milk so that it may be used in the cappuccino maker.

When it comes to technique, you should begin by just measuring out the appropriate amount of milk rather than just pouring it in at random. This will give you a better end result.

As was said earlier, the temperature of the milk is determined by a thermostat that is kept entirely to itself. The dial that is used to turn on and off the brewing process also controls the steaming and foaming features of the machine.


Similar to the process of making coffee with the De’Longhi EC155, cleaning it is not a difficult task. The brewer features a cleaning light that illuminates when the equipment needs to be descaled so that you can take appropriate action.

Even while descaling is still a manual operation (the machine will let you know when it is necessary, but it won’t really do it for you automatically), the process can be made easier by removing the drip tray and the water reservoir, both of which are safe to clean in the dishwasher.

Additionally simplifying the process of cleaning the portafilter is the filter holder that serves dual purposes. Both the longevity of the machine and the quality of the brew that you produce are directly correlated to how clean the portafilter and tamper are kept. Doing so prevents the coffee from clinging to your brewing instruments and ensures that no old coffee is mixed in with the fresh stuff during the brewing process.

Construction Quality

Because it is a budget espresso machine, the DeLonghi EC155 has a budget-friendly design and construction. The body of the EC155 is composed of plastic, while the bodies of higher-end cappuccino machines, such as the Gaggia Classic Pro, are made of stainless steel. The only metal pieces on the EC155 are the drip tray and the steam wand.

The brewer has a plastic tamper attached to it right next to the brew group, which is something that neither of us particularly enjoys seeing. Tamping is a difficult task since not only is the tamper made of plastic, which is not an ideal material for a tamper, but also because it is quite awkwardly situated. Even if the plastic pieces of the EC155 are not our top choice, the boiler on this model is made of stainless steel.

Things we liked:

• Simple one-dial interface

• The Swivel Jet Frother is very user-friendly.

• The 15-bar pump generates an adequate amount of pressure for the extraction

Things we didn’t like:

• Construction made of plastic is less robust than that made of metal

• Tamper made of plastic is positioned in an odd manner

• Do Not Invest In The De’Longhi EC155 If You Are…

You want to make coffee with the push of a button, so try out the Mr. Coffee Cafe Barista Espresso and Cappuccino Maker. It allows you to make coffee with just one push of a button. Because this machine takes over all of the manual functions of the De’Longhi, preparing espresso is now simpler than you ever imagined it could be. You want an espresso in a hurry – If you are looking for a machine that can heat up and brew in a short amount of time, take a look at the Breville Barista Express. This is an advanced espresso and cappuccino maker that can get ready to brew in less than one minute.

You are ready to take your espresso to the next level. When you are ready to graduate from the beginner setting on your espresso machine, we suggest that you try either the Capresso 125.05 Cafe Pro Espresso Maker or the De’Longhi EC702, both of which have been reviewed on this site. Both of these devices are excellent examples of machines that bridge the gap between the straightforward De’Longhi EC155 and the highly customizable espresso makers that are the subject of much praise among baristas.

Final  Verdict

The De’Longhi EC155 15 Bar Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Maker works well for anyone who wants the ease of making espresso, cappuccinos, and lattes at home but isn’t looking to make a big investment.

This espresso and cappuccino machine is a terrific espresso tricycle since it comes at an excellent price, has standard functions in addition to a few extras, and has standard features. It will get you where you need to go while you get the hang of brewing. We hope that you found our review of the De’Longhi EC155 to be enjoyable. Have you used this machine to create espresso or cappuccino before? Let us know what you thought in the comments.

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