DeLonghi ECP3420

Espresso machines are outrageously expensive, as is well known.

However, there are several excellent choices that are also reasonably priced.

I’ll give you an overview of a fantastic little entry-level espresso machine in this DeLonghi ECP3420 review.

It’s ideal for novices and is reasonably priced.

Let’s start now!

DeLonghi ECP3420: A Brief Description

15-inch Black De’Longhi ECP3420 Bar Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Machine

• Style 3/5

• 4/5 for performance

• 4/5 Water Tank

Steam Wand 5 out of 5

• Maintenance 5/5

• Usability 5/5

• 3/5 Special Features

Although DeLonghi was established in 1902, they didn’t begin producing coffee makers until the late 1990s.

Does that imply that their coffee makers are subpar? In no way. The market for coffee makers benefited from their prior expertise manufacturing other home appliances.

The ECP3420 is also exactly the same.

It is a basic stainless steel boiler home espresso machine. It features DeLonghi’s Cappuccino Milk System and can brew single or double espressos.

It makes a great starter home espresso maker. However, I wouldn’t advise it to seasoned baristas.

The ECP3420 has the advantage of being simple to operate and intuitive. The brewing procedure is simple, and the steam wand is semi-automatic. Incorporate a water tank that is simple to remove and clean, and you have a charming little appliance that will fit in most kitchens.


• A full 15-bar pump produces espresso in the style of a cafe.

• The Cappuccino Milk System is simple to operate and suitable for beginners.

You can use an espresso pod or brew one or two shots of espresso with the 3-in-1 portafilter.

• Cleaning is a breeze thanks to the removable water tank.


• For seasoned baristas, it’s not a wonderful machine because you don’t have a lot of control over the brewing process.

• It may take a while for the water heater to heat up enough to brew.

Let’s Examine the Features of the DeLonghi ECP3420.

Okay, let’s examine each feature of this DeLonghi espresso maker immediately.

After giving you a brief outline, I’ll discuss my likes and dislikes for each.

How does it appear?

Okay, I admit that I don’t like the design the best. But it is basic and timeless. And let’s face it, the coffee should always come first, not the design.

With silver highlights, the body is made of black plastic. There is nothing inherently wrong with the color palette; it’s simply not really original.

The machine is a nice size. Its width of just 7″ makes it narrow enough to fit in the majority of kitchens without taking up too much room.

Just big enough for a demitasse, the maximum cup size is a little on the tiny side and definitely not big enough for a travel mug.

In order to make a latte with milk, you will need to pour your coffee into a different, higher cup.

But in actuality, this is a basic piece of equipment. Though it isn’t intended to, it isn’t receiving any design honors either.

It is easy to use and delivers on its promise.

It’s straightforward and has a minimal footprint, which I enjoy. It doesn’t make any elaborate attempts.

What I don’t like: Because the maximum cup height is so little, you must pour your espresso into larger glasses if you want to mix it with milk.

How does it function?

How well home espresso makers brew espresso is always a contentious topic.

Although making espresso may seem straightforward, there is actually a lot of technology involved. So it’s really challenging to make a good espresso at home.

Because of this, many high-end home espresso machines are quite pricey.

But this device is affordable for the majority of people. Does that indicate it functions just as well as a gadget that costs more money? Sort of.

The amount of pressure that espresso machines produce is a simple place to start when learning about them. To extract the coffee into espresso, you need pressure.

Around 9 bars of pressure, or nine times the normal atmospheric pressure, should be used to extract espresso.

The ECP3420 has a pressure output range of 15 bars.

Why so many?

Consider how an engine’s cylinders are similar to bars. A smaller engine can still reach a high speed, but it does it with greater effort and at higher RPMs. A larger engine will accelerate more rapidly and effortlessly.

A device that can generate 15 bars of pressure will operate more effectively than one that can only generate 9 bars.

However, it should be noted that the water heater takes a while to heat up. In order to expedite the procedure, DeLonghi actually suggests pulling a shot of water before pulling an espresso shot.

But once it gets hot enough, it does make a decent espresso.

What I like: Considering its size and cost, this espresso maker is robust. With enough perseverance and practice, it is capable of making an excellent espresso.

What I don’t like about it: It takes a while to heat up, so you have to wait until there is enough hot water to pull a shot.

What kind of water tank is that?

How enormous and how simple it is to clean are the two things that come to mind when I think of the water tanks in espresso machines.

It’s big enough, is the response to the ECP3420’s first query.

The second is also rather simple.

I’m referring about a little more than 1 liter of water when I say big enough. That will allow you to fire a few shots consecutively before you need to reload.

Even though the machine is still a touch too tiny to pull many shots at once, it can make enough coffee for two people each morning.

And to be really honest, if you intend to use your espresso maker frequently, I would suggest investing in something a little bigger and more durable than the ECP3420.

But because the water tank is removable, cleaning is really simple. You may put it in the dishwasher when it needs cleaning because it is dishwasher safe.

The water tank lifts up from the top rather than the rear or side, which is the one drawback. If you store the machine under a cabinet, you’ll have to relocate the whole thing to access the water tank.

What I enjoy about it is that it can handle a few daily usage without needing to be refilled. The water tank is easily washable and detachable.

It isn’t big enough to accommodate many people at once, which is what I don’t enjoy. You’ll need room to refill the water tank because it lifts out of the top.

Is the steam wand any good?

The milk frother is frequently the most intimidating aspect of home brewing for beginners. It can be quite intense to dive right in if you’ve never done milk-steaming before.

However, the ECP3420’s steam wand is rather user-friendly for beginners. It is somewhat automatic, albeit not entirely.

For home machines, there are essentially two sorts of milk wands: manual and assisted.

With a manual steam wand, the entire wand is under your control. Specifically, how to hold the steaming jug, when to turn it on or off, etc.

A steam wand that is aided does some or all of the work for you.

In the center is where you can find this steam wand. It has the innovative cappuccino technology from DeLonghi, which allows users to choose between hot milk and cappuccino milk.

The milk jug must still be held, and you must become used to the sensation of steaming milk. But you don’t need to stress about getting the appropriate texture or temperature for the frothing. That is done for you by the machine.

What I appreciate about it is that it’s a semi-automatic steam wand that anyone can operate.

What I don’t like: Obtaining the best milk froth still requires practice and expertise of milk steaming.

Is cleaning it simple?

Cleaning your espresso machine is crucial. After all, doing so will ensure that your machine lasts a long time and that you continue to enjoy great coffee every morning.

Many people fail to maintain their espresso machines and then wonder why their coffee no longer tastes good or why their machine is no longer functioning properly.

The bottom line is to clean those machines!

Furthermore, you shouldn’t have an excuse when using the ECP3420 because cleaning is so simple. Finding a machine that is simpler to clean is challenging.

First of all, the water tank is detachable and suitable for the dishwasher. Therefore, there is nothing to prohibit you from running the water tank through the dishwasher once a week.

You should also routinely clean any other detachable components of your Delonghi espresso maker, such as the drip tray and filter basket.

Descale your machine is the other thing you must do. Descaling is the process of eliminating mineral buildup from a coffee maker’s pipes and internal components.

It may seem frightening or difficult, but it’s really simple.

However, you will require a descaling solution. DeLonghi advises purchasing their descaling product, however any descaling product will do.

I always advise consulting your owner’s manual before starting a cleaning cycle. The ECP3420’s cleaning cycle is rather simple.

You add the cleaning agent to the water tank. To clean everything out, you pull a few espresso shots, run the steam wand for a while, and then extract a few more espresso shots only using water.

You are now done.

What I like: The water tank is quite simple to clean. You can either throw it in the dishwasher or do it by hand using hot water and dish soap. A damp rag can be used to clean the remainder of it.

What I don’t like: The descaling procedure is a little laborious and requires manual labor because the machine lacks a specialized cleaning cycle.

How user-friendly is it?

All day long, we may discuss performance, steam wands, and design, but in the end, it all boils down to one thing: how simple is it to operate this coffee maker?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple solution.

On the one hand, it’s an entry-level machine, so operating it isn’t too difficult. In all honesty, you’ll get some fairly nice coffee if you take the time to learn how to use this machine properly.

On the other hand, using this DeLonghi requires some learning. Working this equipment does require some practice.

However, DeLonghi machines are actually quite simple to use. The rest is simple practice after you master the fundamentals.

Because of this, I’d suggest this to anyone seeking for a good way to start making espresso at home. I probably wouldn’t suggest it to someone who only occasionally drinks coffee and wants an espresso.

What I enjoy about it is that it gives beginning home brewers a fantastic starting place. Although it takes some practice to get right, it is rather forgiving.

What I don’t like about it is that there is still labor involved. Consequently, you must learn how to pull espresso. This machine probably isn’t for you if you don’t want to learn.

Are there any unique characteristics on it?

The only unique quality of this DeLonghi is that it works with espresso pods.

Without measuring or grinding the coffee bean, you can purchase premade espresso pouches and use them in the portafilter for a precise espresso.

How excellent are these really?

Yes, sort of. They’re an excellent technique to guarantee you receive the appropriate dosage.

However, I usually advise against using pre-ground coffee. And the best coffee pods are any kind.

What I like: If you don’t yet have a good coffee grinder, having coffee pods on hand is a fantastic choice.

What I dislike: Espresso pods don’t have the best coffee flavor. Filters can also be wasteful.

My Conclusion

Not everyone should use the DeLonghi ECP3420 machine.

However, it is an excellent espresso maker for novices who want something basic, affordable, and manageable to use.

To obtain espresso in the cafe style, a 15-bar espresso pump is more than sufficient. There is enough water in the tank to prepare several drinks at once.

The steam wand is easy to operate and semi-automatic.

Additionally, everything is simple to maintain and clean.

For someone searching for their first espresso maker, it is ideal.

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