Breville Barista Pro

Not all coffee makers are created equal, and the Breville Barista Pro is not one of them. This is due to the fact that it possesses distinctive characteristics, such as a ThermoJet heating system.

However, this device is not simply a flashy new water heater; it also has a great deal of other functionality.

I used to work as a barista, and I’ve always liked drinking coffee, so I did some research to see if this machine is worth the money.

And to assist you to decide whether or not to purchase one, I have included a few frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Let’s take a look at a comprehensive assessment of the Breville Barista Pro so that you can decide whether or not this is the machine that best suits your needs.

A Brief Introduction to the Breville Barista Pro

Brushed stainless steel finish on the Breville Barista Pro espresso machine, model number BES878BSS

• Design 4.5/5

• Interface 5/5 (out of 5)

• Overall Effort: 4 out of 5

• Grinder 5/5

• Milk Foaming 4 out of 5

• PID Temperature Control 5/5

• Cleaning 4/5

• Unique Characteristics 3 of 5

Because the Breville Barista Pro was given the prize for Best New Product at the Specialty Coffee Expo in 2019, you can be sure that it is a machine of the highest caliber.

The Breville Barista Express was the predecessor to the Breville Barista Pro, which is essentially an enhanced version of the Barista Express.

This Breville espresso machine, on the other hand, despite the fact that it is built on the same general concept as others, comes with significant enhancements. This features an improved display as well as a more sophisticated heating system.

In addition to that, it has a massive water tank that holds 2 liters, which is equivalent to 68 ounces. Because of its capacity, the machine will not require frequent restocking thanks to your efforts.

In spite of the fact that the Breville Barista Pro is a little more expensive than the Breville Barista Express, purchasing it is unquestionably worthwhile given the presence of features such as those.


• An LCD control panel is included, making it simple to use because of this feature.

• Because it is equipped with a ThermoJet heating technology, it warms up quite quickly.

• It has a conical burr grinder, which ensures a consistent and uniform grinding experience.

• It comes with a high-end steam wand that is fully adjustable, allowing you to create the ideal beverages using milk.


• Because of its high price, it is probably not suitable for individuals who are living on a tight budget.

Because the brew head needs to be flushed before each use, using it can be a little bit of an inconvenience.

A Focused Examination On Characteristics

Even though we have just skimmed the surface of a few of the functions that the Breville Barista Pro offers, it would be beneficial to go deeper into each one.

That way, you can obtain a solid understanding of what this machine is all about and why investing in it is a good idea.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at the functions of this machine, as well as dissect some of the more distinctive features it possesses.


The Barista Pro is designed in the contemporary and understated fashion that is characteristic of Breville products. The machine’s exterior is constructed out of brushed stainless steel, which not only looks fantastic but also protects the machine from dust and grime.

In spite of the fact that it is a really powerful machine, the Breville Barista Pro is not an excessively large appliance because its dimensions are 14 inches by 16 inches by 16 inches.

Additionally, it is an espresso machine as well as a grinder in one, which means that you do not need to pick up an external grinder, which takes up even more space than an internal one.

In addition to this, the machine includes a hot water spout that is slanted, making it simpler to position your cup directly beneath its outlet. You’ll be able to brew an Americano without having to fiddle with the different components of the machine.

The only item that is lacking from the design is a pressure gauge. This is the only thing that is missing. Due to the fact that it does not have this, it can be difficult to determine whether or not the pressure on your machine is correct (affecting your espresso quality).


A shot timer and the coffee grind size are both displayed on the LCD interface of the Breville Barista Pro.

Adjusting and configuring the machine to its current settings is a breeze thanks to this feature, which I consider to be the best aspect of the machine overall.

The LCD screen displays animations that, among other wonderful things, tell you at what stage of the brewing process you now are. This is another one of the LCD screen’s fascinating features. Even though this may not always be helpful, it is still great to have and can provide you with an estimate of when your coffee will be ready to be served.

The extraction time is also displayed on the LCD screen, allowing you to see how long or how quickly your shots are pulling. Because of this, calibrating the machine to extract espresso in a precise manner is made much simpler.

In addition to the functions described above, the LCD screen presents the user with the following control options:

• The on/off switch

• A selection for the amount of grounding.

• A gradation selector for the grind

• A dial for adjusting the size of the filter, as well as buttons for selecting the desired amount of coffee

• The steam dial, which allows one to choose between warm and cold milk

The appliance also comes equipped with a cleaning and descaling button, which enables you to effortlessly clean the appliance and get it ready for the next time it is needed.


The Breville Barista Pro has excellent functionality, which may be attributed in large part to the ThermoJet heating system.

This apparatus is equipped with a thermo-coil that heats the water as it travels through a network of pipes located within the apparatus. The process that takes place is that water goes into one coil, and when it comes out, the temperature has reached 190 degrees Fahrenheit.

The water may be heated by the machine in just three seconds thanks to the mechanism.

In addition, the machine is capable of rapidly adjusting the temperature in order to transition between extracting shots and steaming milk. The water used for making espresso must be heated to a lower temperature than the water used to steam milk; yet, the ThermoJet technology can heat the water in just a few more seconds.

The performance of the machine has one significant drawback, and that is the requirement that the brew head be cleaned before the system may be preheated.

Despite the fact that this step may take some time, the overall time necessary to make a cup of coffee is still less than that required by the majority of home espresso machines.


The Breville Barista Pro comes equipped with a built-in conical burr grinder that has blades made of stainless steel.

Your espresso beans will be ground to an extremely uniform consistency thanks to the conical shape and substance of the grinder, which is made of stainless steel.

Additionally, it features thirty different grind settings, allowing you to truly focus in on the specific flavor of coffee that you want to produce.

You should also know that this device comes with a portafilter that can be slid underneath the built-in grinder. This is an additional feature of the device that should not be overlooked. When you select this and lock it in, the machine will allow you to produce a set quantity of coffee grounds.

This makes it a lot simpler to measure out the appropriate amount of coffee ground to use for brewing the appropriate amount of coffee.

The LCD display on the grinder allows you to make adjustments to the settings if you find that you need to. In comparison to more conventional dial adjustment methods, this one is extremely simple to operate.

The frothing of milk

The manual steam wand that comes with the Breville Barista Pro is very comparable to the one that comes with the Barista Express.

The steam system is not extremely powerful, but because of this, it is an excellent option for those who are just starting out. This is an excellent method for training yourself if you are just getting started with using micro foam milk.

The steam wand, despite having a straightforward construction, does offer one important advantage, and that is the speed with which it can heat your milk.

Because the tip of the wand contains four holes, it is possible to get a more consistent temperature throughout the milk in a shorter amount of time. In point of fact, steaming your milk only takes approximately a minute and a half!

PID Temperature Control

One of the most useful functions of the Breville Barista Pro espresso machine is the temperature control. This apparatus is equipped with a PID temperature controller.

With a PID temperature control, you may rest assured that the water will remain within two degrees of the temperature you have pre-set. In addition to that, it enables the machine to make modifications to the shot temperature in increments of one degree Celsius.

The temperature of the Barista Pro is set to 199 degrees Fahrenheit by default. However, you have the ability to adjust it to any temperature between 196 and 95 degrees Celsius (203 and 196 Fahrenheit).

This is the most effective method for modifying the temperatures, so use it if you like your drinks really hot or if you’d rather have something that’s better suited for children.

In addition, the ideal temperature for the extraction process coaxes the greatest amount of flavor from the coffee bean.

Because of this, the PID system contributes to optimal espresso extraction, which ultimately results in a cup of coffee that has a better flavor overall.


I’m going to be really transparent with you: cleaning an espresso machine is not one of my favorite things to do. Additionally, in comparison to other espresso makers, the Breville Barista Pro is a messier option due to the built-in grinder.

The good news is that cleaning the Barista Pro does not require an excessive amount of effort.

To begin, the device has a descaling and auto-rinse function already integrated into its design. This essentially means that the device will clean itself whenever it needs to.

You only need to begin the cycle for it to work!

You can begin the cycle by using the setting that is displayed on the LCD touchscreen display. You won’t have any trouble starting the cleaning system thanks to the button, which is properly labeled for your convenience.

The milk wand and the drip tray are two of the other components of the machine that may be removed with relative ease. Simply take those off and rinse them under some fresh water to remove any remaining debris.

Special Features

Aside from the fact that it comes with specialized filter baskets, the Barista Pro doesn’t provide a whole lot more in the way of unique capabilities than what’s already been mentioned.

You can better learn the art of pulling an espresso shot with the assistance of filter baskets. The Barista Pro offers four different size filter baskets, although the majority of coffee machines only have one size.

• Pressurized in a single-use shot

• Non-pressurized single-shot operation

• Double-shot under high pressure

• Non-pressurized double-shot delivery system

I highly recommend the pressured baskets to anyone who is just starting out. It doesn’t matter whether you obtained the wrong grid size or dose because there is extra pressure; you’ll still be able to pull off a decent shot.

You should move up to non-pressurized baskets after you begin to feel more confident in your abilities. These provide you a greater degree of control over the pressure and allow you to improve the brewing system.


Do you still have a few concerns or inquiries regarding the Barista Pro?

The following are some questions that are asked frequently, along with the answers to those questions, to assist you in obtaining all of the information that you require.

Is There a Difference Between the Express and the Barista Pro?

The Breville Barista Pro is an upgrade from the Breville Barista Express. It features an enhanced steaming wand, a ThermoJet heating technology, and a finer grinding mechanism. Because of this, the coffee that you obtain is significantly superior to that which you would receive from the Express.

How Many Years Does the Breville Barista Pro Have Left in It?

The Breville Barista Pro has a lifespan of anywhere from five to ten years, depending on how well it is cared for and maintained. If you take good care of it, there is a greater chance that it will remain in good condition for a longer period of time.

Is the Breville Barista Pro Capable of Producing a Regular Cup of Coffee?

Because it is an espresso machine, the Breville Barista Pro does not include the mechanism necessary to create drip coffee. Making an Americano, which has a flavor profile that is comparable to that of drip coffee, is the beverage that most closely resembles what you are looking for.


The Breville Barista Express serves as the basis for the Breville Barista Pro, which is essentially an enhanced version of the Barista Express. A quick water heating system, an improved steam wand, and an integrated grinder are all included in this model.

You are able to craft your coffee exactly as you like thanks to all of these features.

And despite the fact that it costs a little bit more than the Express model, the value of the features it possesses unquestionably proves that it was money well spent.

You should now have all of the information you require to make an educated purchasing decision after reading this evaluation of the Breville Barista Pro.

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