Jura ENA 8 Vs E8

TL;DR? The Jura E8 came out on top in this intense competition by a wide margin.

The Jura ENA 8 and the E8 are two of the company’s most impressive pieces of machinery.

Which of these automatic coffee machines do you choose, given that they are all competing for first place in the world of coffee makers?

After conducting the necessary analysis, I’ve determined who will emerge victorious from this conflict.

This is the definitive guide to choosing between the Jura ENA 8 and the E8.

Jura ENA 8 Overview

The Jura ENA 8 is the go-to option for consumers who are interested in acquiring proven Swiss coffee-making technologies in the form of a designer coffee machine.

This espresso machine is totally automatic, so all you have to do is push a button to make either espresso or ristretto.

In addition to that, it can create a delicate milk foam for any of your favorite beverages, such as cappuccinos, lattes, flat whites, or even just a gallon of hot milk.

The ENA8, in line with the majority of other Jura machines now available on the market, enables a great deal of personalization. In addition to a number of other variables, you have control over the temperature and intensity of your coffee.

The cutting-edge Aroma G3 coffee grinder that comes included with the Jura machine is a large part of the reason why purchasing this machine is money well spent.

This grinder doesn’t make a lot of noise, but it does a good job of producing an even grind.

In addition to that, it includes a unique cap that works to assist prevent oxygen from entering the grinder and causing the beans to get spoiled.

The end result is a cup of coffee that is bursting with rich aromas and savory flavors.

The ENA8 is a fantastic option for any consumer looking for a coffee maker that is both high in quality and efficient. When shopping for a Jura coffee maker, you should look for additional features like those that are included in this one because it has them all.


• The ENA 8 comes equipped with a quick burr grinder that has 6 different settings, allowing you to customize the grind size to your preferred kind of coffee.

• Includes the SmartConnect technology, which enables you to manage it from your mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet.

• Comes equipped with built-in indication lights, allowing you to know exactly when it is necessary to clean the coffee machine or replace the drip tray.

• Comes equipped with an adjustable dispenser, allowing for the use of cups of any size with the machine.

• Utilizes a Zero-Energy Switch technology, which means that when it is in standby mode, it does not consume any electricity.


• Because it does not have a milk function that can be programmed, it can be difficult to manage the temperature and foam level of the milk.

Due to the fact that it can only brew one shot of espresso at a time, its capacity is somewhat limited.

Jura E8 Overview

The Jura E8 is a coffee machine that is a part of Jura’s E-series lineup. These have long been held in high esteem due to the numerous beverage possibilities they provide as well as their user-friendliness.

The E8 allows you to prepare 17 different types of coffee beverages, ranging from the traditional espresso to the more contemporary cortado.

It is equipped with some of the most advanced brewing technology that Jura has to offer, such as the IPBAS system. This method extracts the maximum amount of flavor from the coffee bean before the brewing process begins, which results in a cup of coffee that is more flavorful.

The fact that this automatic coffee machine has sleek contours and a contemporary appearance is another aspect that will win you over completely.

Despite the fact that it is a very sizable piece of equipment, it presents an attractive appearance in almost any kitchen.

The machine’s user interface controls are the one and only area in which it may have some room for improvement. The Jura E8 has a rotary dial, which might be difficult to operate at times due to its design.

Nevertheless, you should be able to brew some very tasty cups of coffee with this machine.


• Because the E8 is equipped with an Intelligent Water System, it notifies you when it is necessary to replenish the water tank.

• It heats up really quickly, which means you won’t have to wait around for your espresso to brew or for your milk to steam.

• Equipped with a bypass doser, which allows for the use of pre-ground coffee in this automatic coffee machine if that is what the user prefers.

• There are 17 different drink options available, allowing you to create virtually any beverage you can imagine.


• Because there is no pre-brew aroma system, the cup of coffee that you make with this Jura machine won’t be quite as aromatic as the cup of coffee that you make with some of Jura’s other machines.

• Since the water tank is rather difficult to fill, it might be a hassle anytime the water level in the tank becomes dangerously low.

Comparing the Jura ENA 8 and the E8: Key Features and Variations

Let’s speak about the similarities and differences between the ENA 8 and the E8 now that you’ve had a brief introduction to both of them.

In the end, despite the fact that they share some characteristics, these coffee makers are not the same espresso machine at all!

The following is an explanation of the most important aspects of each of these electronic devices.


A Jura ENA 8 is equipped with a grinder called an Aroma G3. This piece of patented technology was developed by Jura and is intended to preserve the flavor of the coffee beans you use.

While both the E8 and the ENA 8 come equipped with an Aroma G3 Grinder, the former model is distinguished from the latter by a number of important details.

The ENA 8 has a more recent design, therefore it comes equipped with a grinder that has blades that are bigger and sharper. Because of this, the grind will be more even and finer, and there will be less coffee residue.

Additionally, the grinder that comes with the ENA 8 is a little bit quicker than the one that comes with the E8.

This can be seen as a blessing as well as a curse.

It indicates that the ENA 8 grinds your beans more quickly, hence reducing the amount of time you spend doing so. However, this also means that the heat generated by the rapidly moving blades might cause the coffee grinds to become overheated, which will cause some of the tastes to be lost.

In addition to that, the E8 comes equipped with a bypass doser.

That being the case, if you’d rather not use the grinder at all, you can instead opt to buy speciality coffee that has already been ground.

Although it’s not the most important thing in the world, it’s certainly a perk to have if you can get it.


The Jura E8 has earned a reputation for producing high-quality cups of coffee in a very short amount of time. Because it has two separate pouring spouts, this espresso machine gives you the ability to brew two separate cups of coffee simultaneously.

Because it also features a water tank that is nearly two liters in capacity, you will be able to brew quite a few cups of coffee before having to replenish it.

On the other hand, the ENA 8 only allows you to brew a single cup of coffee at a time. The capacity of its water tank is also one-half that of the E8’s.

The E8 and the ENA8 are very comparable devices, with the exception of these differences.

Both machines come equipped with the Intelligent Pre-Brew Aroma System developed by Jura (IPBAS).

The IPBAS is responsible for ensuring that the correct amount of coffee to water is used in the brewing process and also assists in coaxing the maximum amount of aroma from the beans.

In addition, both of them utilize the Pulse Extraction Process (PEP) technology developed by Jura.

This method works by passing short, intense streams of hot water through the ground coffee beans. This results in a cup of coffee that is silky smooth and has a thick layer of crema on top.


In terms of how things taste, it’s going to be a struggle to the finish to determine who comes out on top.

Because the grinding system on the Jura ENA 8 is of a higher quality, it is better able to maintain the flavor of the beans.

You are also able to use pre-ground coffee with the Jura E8, but if you want to use ground coffee, you have the option to do so. This allows you a lot of flexibility in how you prepare your beverages.

In terms of the brewing process, both machines utilize the PEP extraction technique developed by the company in addition to aroma grinders to ensure the highest possible level of flavor.

Because of this, each cup of coffee will have a flavor that is robust and a crema that is thick and creamy.

Both the Jura E8 and the Jura ENA8 come equipped with the company’s signature fine-foam technology. That being the case, the flavor of milk-based beverages won’t really change all that much for you, either, as a result of this information.

Both of these machines are capable of producing coffee that has an exceptional flavor. The only significant distinction is whether or not you want to utilize flavored beans. If you do not want to use flavored beans, then you should go with the E8.


Let’s take a moment to discuss the act of cleaning.

Having a coffee maker certainly does not rank among the most riveting aspects of home ownership.

However, unless you want to be buying a new espresso machine every year, maintaining it properly is an absolutely essential component of owning one.

Both the ENA 8 and the E8 have cleaning systems that are, for the most part, equivalent to one another.

The ENA 8 and the E8 both come equipped with a CLARIS Smart micro water filter, which helps to improve the overall quality of the coffee by removing impurities like minerals and debris from the water before it is used.

This keeps your Jura coffee machine free of dirt that could also block the mechanisms responsible for heating the water and distributing it!

In addition to this, the ENA 8 and the E8 also come with their own built-in cleaning systems.

Simply insert a Jura cleaning puck and start the cycle to complete the cleaning process. After that, the device will automatically rinse, descale, and clean itself without requiring any further action on your part.

Additionally, a built-in cleaning system for the milk frother is included in both of the machines.

Because of this, the steaming spout will not become clogged with debris from previous milk froth.


When it comes to the beverages, the E8 is unquestionably the one that comes out on top.

The ENA 8 can only prepare a maximum of ten different beverages, while the Jura E8 gives you the ability to brew an incredible seventeen different kinds of beverages!

Users of the ENA 8 have the option of preparing regular coffee, ristretto, or espresso as their beverage of choice. In addition to that, it includes a flat white, latte macchiato, and macchiato as part of the package.

On the other side, the E8 grants you the ability to do the following:

• Espresso

• Ristretto

• Cappuccino

• Cortado

• Latte macchiato

• Latte macchiato

• Coffee

• Lungo shots

• Macchiato

Additionally, it enables you to prepare coffee drinks with two shots of espresso!

If you prefer your coffee with a lot of body, the Jura E8 is unquestionably the best option for you. You’ll be able to order all of your go-to beverages, and that additional shot of espresso will give your cup of joe a jolt of caffeine for an added kick.

Final Verdict

With this comparison of the Jura ENA 8 and the E8, it is very easy to determine which model is superior: the Jura E8.

The E8 not only provides a wider selection of beverages, but it also comes standard with several cutting-edge technologies that take your coffee experience to the next level. You will receive espresso that is incredibly silky and has a flavorful aftertaste.

To make matters even better, the E8 is a highly automatic device that completes all of the work on your behalf. Whether you’re taking shots or cleaning the machine, you have very little involvement in either activity.

Both of these machines are capable of producing excellent coffee, but the E8 is the one that stands out as the superior option. You might even go with one of Jura’s many other products if that’s more your style. We won’t judge!

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