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Different Types of Espresso Drinks

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What is espresso?

An espresso shot is made by pushing hot, pressurized water through finely-ground, firmly packed coffee beans. The result is a full-flavored, full cup of strong, black coffee.

One shot of espresso contains only one ounce of liquid but contains approximately 64 mg of caffeine. This means that it is much more concentrated than black coffee, which averages 12.5 mg per ounce.

Espresso is usually served in small, dematas cups, containing about two to four ounces of liquid. It is also a staple of all espresso drinks, including cappuccino, lettuce, and americanus.

What are the different types of espresso drinks?

Essential espresso drinks

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Espresso Drinks types 6

1. Espresso

The easiest espresso drink is a shot of espresso. To make one, you use a shot filter and about six to eight grams of finely ground coffee.

2. Ristretto

Restoration is a strong shot of espresso, made using finely ground coffee and half the amount of water.

3. Dupuis

This is another word for double shot, made with a large amount of ground. These espresso shots are drawn inside the port filter using a double shot filter.

4. Cappuccino

One cappuccino is made with a ratio of one-third espresso, one-third warm milk, and one-third milk foam. For the low-milk version, try ordering a dried cappuccino.

5. Cafe Late

A cafe bed, often shortened to a bed, is made up of one-third espresso, two-thirds warm milk, and a microfoam topping. They are often made with double shots of espresso and can be topped with cinnamon, brown sugar, or cocoa powder.

6. Piccolo Latte

“Pacolo” in Italian means small, so it is a small latte, often served in espresso cups or dementia. A patio latte is a ristretto shot of espresso with hot milk.

7. Mocha

This is a sweet coffee drink, which is made with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder. If you like your coffee sweet, you can also try adding caramel or peppermint syrup. And don’t forget to top with whipped cream!

8. Espresso Makita

An espresso macchiato is made by foaming a small amount of boiled milk and a shot of espresso. This is one of our favorite types of espresso drinks!

9. Latte Macchiato

This is a variation of the espresso version, which includes more milk. To make lettuce, you add one-third to one-and-a-half cups of boiled milk to a glass and then a shot of espresso on top.

10. Americans

The power of an Americano is like a cup of regular black coffee, but it is made by pouring hot water into a single or double shot of espresso. As a result, traditional black coffee tastes different.

11. Lungo

To make lingo, you extract twice as much water from the same amount of land. As a result, caffeine levels are higher and coffee levels are higher. This drink looks like Americano but it is prepared differently and will taste different.

12. Flat white

Flat blondes are popular in Australia and New Zealand. These drinks are similar to cappuccino, but are made with a coffee and milk ratio and without milk foam.

13. Cortado

Cortados are made using equal amounts of espresso and steamed milk. Milk is steamed but not frothy or frothy as in other beverages.

Espresso and coffee drinks

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Espresso Drinks types 7

14. Red eye

Red Eye is a strong, highly caffeinated beverage. If you are looking for a type of espresso drink that really packs in caffeine, this is a good option. To make one, make a cup of black coffee and top it with a shot of espresso.

15. Black eye

A black eye is an even stronger substitute for a red-eye. To make it, add a double shot of espresso to a cup of hot black coffee.

16. Dripping eye

A dripping eye is the strongest of the three, made by adding three shots of espresso to a cup of black coffee.

17. Slow eye

The lazy eye is a low caffeine option. It is made by adding two shots of espresso to a cup of caffeinated black coffee.

Other espresso drinks

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Espresso Drinks types 8

18. Black tie

Black tie is made using Thai tea as a base instead of black coffee. To make it, add a double shot of espresso to a cup of hot Thai tea.

19. Fugato

Fugato is sweeter than beverages. It is made by putting a shot of espresso on a scoop of delicious sweet ice cream.

20. Espresso with Panna

In Italian, “espresso con Panna” means espresso with cream. To make one, add whipped cream to a single or double shot of espresso.

21. Galão

This creamy Portuguese drink contains a quarter of espresso and three quarters of milk foam.

22. Latte Machiatto

This iteration of “marked coffee” is closer to what is so popular in coffee chains these days.

It’s a big cup of coffee, iced or hot. It uses shots of spro, milk, and different flavorings in most cases.

23. Espresso Latino

The ultimate cold coffee beverage. As the beverage sits, it slowly morphs into an iced Americano (if it sits long enough).

24. Affogato

“affogato” means drowned. This dessert coffee is ice cream (vanilla) drowned in a double shot of espresso.

25. Freddo

A Freddo is 2 espresso shots with some sugar syrup (to taste). 

Add the coffee and sugar mixture in a shaker with some ice cubes. Shake vigorously in quick but small motions to create a simulation of milk foam without any actual milk. 

One of the more refreshing drinks on this list!

With such a large variety in the types of coffee, many can get lost in the various names, styles, and coffee types. This guide will help in understanding some of these varieties by starting with a breakdown of the Espresso based drinks.

So what is an espresso-based drink? An espresso-based drink is a coffee that is made with a cappuccino machine and shares three main ingredients – espresso, steamed milk, and foam. The different varieties of espresso coffee beverages are based on the proportions of each of these ingredients. Outside of these three base ingredients, there can also be additional ingredients to decorate and accent the beverage. In some instances, items like chocolate, cinnamon or other flavorings can be added, but the base ingredients will remain the same.

As a way to help better understand the different coffee drinks before we get into the details of an espresso drink, we have borrowed a great infographic from Latte Art Guide to break down the most common coffee drinks at a high level.

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